This is a story (for want of a better word) of my on-going journey and travels in being a Avon Representative!

My first goal is to be in presidents club by Sept 2016 and I want to be able to afford a lovely holiday for my 40th.

I hope this inspires some new people to take on this wonderful journey with me to!

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


I didn't get the brochures to as many people as I would have liked on my territory for my second campaign, but I was trying to get ready to go my holiday at the same time!  To say I was disappointed with my sales doesn't come close!  But i have managed to pick up a few new customers through some local facebook groups - (ladies brochures will be with you this week!).

I got back from my holiday on Saturday just gone and had my Avon delivery on Monday.

For those of you that don't know, Avon is a second job for me and I started a new role on Monday at the company I have worked at for 4 years!  So there has been lots of change for me recently and I hoping that the blog posts will become more regular, once everything has settled down!

These pictures are an example of what is for sale in the latest brochure.  Click here for latest brochure

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