This is a story (for want of a better word) of my on-going journey and travels in being a Avon Representative!

My first goal is to be in presidents club by Sept 2016 and I want to be able to afford a lovely holiday for my 40th.

I hope this inspires some new people to take on this wonderful journey with me to!

Monday, 2 November 2015

Feeling the Avon LovE!

I am so feeling the Avon love at the moment and I am so glad to be a Avon representative again!  I love the fact I can go and meet new people and get some exercise at the same time.  I do love going out for a walk to shed a few pounds in weight and its great that I can combine this with delivering orders and brochures!

I've collecting brochures over the weekend from my exisiting and new territory and I have some really nice orders!  Need to get out again next weekend to deilver more brochures!  I also putting my Campaign 18 order in on tuesday for delivery on the 16th!  I get so excited at this time of the campaign!  I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof - as the saying goes!

I love this Lavender Gift basket!  What a great idea for a Christmas present for a loved one and was on sale for £10 in brochure 17!  If anyone would still like one I can back order out of the brochure, nut I would need orders by Tuesday!

I have also been some time doing some personal development and I am loving it, so it's time to go and do a bit more study, before bath (with some lovely Avon bubbles) and bed, where I may use some of the pillow mist shown above as it does help me relax in bed.  As a result a better nights sleep!

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